It seems everywhere you look these days you see people carrying handheld communication devices. But they are not all created equal. A "two-way" portable FM or digital radio provides "immediate" communications between individuals or workgroups, in many instances where cell phones provide poor or no service.
And, for use in loud environments, on jobs where they are likely to take a pounding, and with group and all-call communications with simple one-button operation, there is simply no better tool than a portable two-way radio.
When it comes to developing and manufacturing high value portable two-way radio products Kenwood stands alone. From its first generation of products to its current line of portable two-way radios, Kenwood has continuously improved the quality and capability of its products.
For more than 20 years Metro Mobile Communications has been the San Francisco-San Jose area's top supplier of Kenwood portable two-way radios. And today we supply Kenwood's complete line of portable two-way radio products to a wide variety of government and business enterprises.
From its economically priced Protalk Series of two-way radios to the newest digital product platforms—the NX-1000, NX-3000, and NX-5000 Series-- Kenwood radios have something in common, a unique combination of quality and serviceability that make Kenwood portable radios the best value in the business.
Metro Mobile's Kenwood portable radios are used by schools, hotels, contractors, and high tech facilities personnel, as well as public safety professionals. Check out our Portable Radios and call us to discuss the best one for your application.