Your teams are on the move - making deliveries, repairing roads, responding to power outages and transporting passengers. You need to keep in touch with them, easily and affordably, wherever they travel. And with MOTOTRBO™ Linked Capacity Plus multi-site digital trunking, you can.
Do you want to communicate to a large field force across a wide area with a scalable, easy-to-use system? Then Linked Capacity Plus is your cost-effective solution. Linked Capacity Plus provides the most important features your business needs - such as integrated voice and data communication in a single site or across a wide area, without the use of a separate network controller.
Whether crews need to talk to each other in the field or back at the office or they need to use data applications such as text messaging, location tracking or work order tickets, Linked Capacity Plus makes their work safer and their work day more productive.
Connect with employees throughout their shifts, anywhere in the field. Linked Capacity Plus makes it possible to communicate across a wide area by linking adjoining single sites across an IP network. The result is continuous, unbroken coverage.
If you're a large busing company, for example, you can communicate with drivers, no matter how scattered the sites. Use text messaging to notify drivers and staff of a schedule change, location tracking to pinpoint buses, and automatic site roaming for personnel so they don't have to change channels while on the move.
Scalable to meet your communication needs, Linked Capacity Plus expands coverage to more of your workers, wherever they work, with the push of a button. Now you get the benefits of digital communication for more users across multiple sites - ideal for utilities, public works departments, transportation companies, school districts and resorts.
If you're a utility company, for example, on each site you can use up to 12 paths for voice and data plus up to 6 additional paths for dedicated data for rapid information sharing. Use location tracking to pinpoint vehicles or work order tickets to schedule personnel or confirm a job has been completed. You reach more employees instantly and conveniently so they can work more safely and productively
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MOTOTRBO Solution Brochure
MOTOTRBO Linked Capacity Plus Brochure
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